The Road Ahead - Committed to Lifelong Learning and Ethical Practice Part 2

The Road AheadIt has been almost a month since my meeting with the university, and I findmyself reflecting on the profound impact that conversation has had on mypersonal and professional journey. The meeting was literally a 5 minutes’meeting. The

The Road Ahead - Committed to Lifelong Learning and Ethical Practice

The Road AheadAs I stand on the threshold of a new chapter in my personal and professionaljourney, I am still filled with a sense of hope, determination, and gratitude. Thepast few months have been a time of intense self-reflection, learning,

Embracing Transparency - Sharing My Journey to Inspire Others.

Embracing TransparencyThe university has referred me to FTP and put me on full suspension from whatI understand. I am surprised on putting me on full suspension pendinginvestigation even though I have never committed through my almost 20 yearsof

Rebuilding Trust- My Plan to Demonstrate Accountability and Integrity

Rebuilding TrustAs I prepare to return to my studies at UCLAN and take the next steps in myjourney to becoming a dentist and maxillofacial surgeon, I know that rebuildingtrust will be one of my most important priorities. I understand that my

Cultivating Insight- Understanding the Root of My Mistakes

Cultivating InsightAs I delve deeper into my journey of self-reflection, I have come to realise thattrue growth begins with understanding the underlying factors that contributed tomy past mistakes. It is not enough to simply acknowledge what I did

The Journey Begins - Confronting My Past and Choosing the Path of Growth

The Journey Begins!Today marks a turning point in my life. As I reflect on the events that have ledme to this moment, I am filled with a mix of emotions – regret for my pastactions, gratitude for the opportunity to make amends, and a