The Journey Begins - Confronting My Past and Choosing the Path of Growth

The Journey Begins!

Today marks a turning point in my life. As I reflect on the events that have led me to this moment, I am filled with a mix of emotions – regret for my past actions, gratitude for the opportunity to make amends, and a deep determination to become a better person and healthcare professional. I was given 28 days only to appeal the decision. I reflected deeply on this and in addition to the financial resources that I need to commit to such a step, there will be the time spent in a debacle and further struggle rather than healing and growing.

I have made mistakes, and I take full responsibility for them. The consequences of my actions have been severe, including a suspended prison sentence and erasure from the GMC register. But I refuse to let these define me. Instead, I choose to use this experience as a catalyst for personal growth and positive change. Over the past months, I have embarked on a journey of self-reflection and insight, collaborating closely with mentors and coaches to understand the root causes of my behaviour and develop strategies to ensure that I never repeat these mistakes. It has not been easy, but I am committed to doing the hard work necessary to rebuild trust and prove myself worthy of the privilege of serving patients once again.

As I prepare to return to my studies at UCLAN and pursue my dream of becoming a dentist and maxillofacial surgeon, I know that transparency and accountability will be key. In the coming weeks, I plan my return to the university and share the steps that I am taking to demonstrate my insight and remediation thus far.

To the patients and public who have been impacted by my actions, I offer my deepest apologies. I know that I have a long way to go to regain your trust, but I am determined to do so through my actions and my unwavering commitment to ethical practice. However, the journey had started back in the year 2022 with reflections and an attempt to develop myself that culminated in a plan developed with the support of my colleagues during the MPTS trial. This is just the beginning of my journey, but I am ready to face the challenges ahead and emerge a stronger, more compassionate, and more principled healthcare professional. Thank you for joining me on this path. Your support and understanding mean the world to me.